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Wakey, wakey friends! I hope you had the best weekend ever! I hope you were the best people I know you are. And I hope, above all else, you’re doing well over there.
Today’s love letter goes out to my weird mentality that if I just put on my mascara with absolutely no other makeup I look good. The other day my sister called me and she was like, “hey, I need you at the office, can you stop by and help me with something”. And I’ve oddly entered this phase in my life where I don’t need to put on a full face of makeup to leave the house. I ended up putting on mascara (which totally smudged on my lower lash because I overused eye cream) and left the house in a bare face. I later regretted this realizing how my puffy eyes were making me crazy insecure. I’m also weirdly convinced that mascara actually makes me look semi-made up. Or even just curling my lashes quickly! Does anyone do this or am I alone? No makeup, just curl the lashes, and go. It’s super liberating to just leave the house without a stitch on but also, there’s that moment where someone talks to you face to face and you’re sort of overthinking things with the though of “oh god they must think I look so tired!” running through your head. Which P.S. is sort of the worst thing to say to someone. You ever have that person that tells you, “Oh you look tired today!” Thanks, a lot now I can really overthink things. I went in for a selfie that day and later I looked at it and realized how silly I was being worried about how badly I looked when in reality I should have been worried about the smudged mascara on my lower lash line haha! Moral of the story is, don’t be scared to walk out of the house without makeup. It sounds cliché but you’re beautiful without makeup! Makeup is fun and it can make us feel more confident but just remind yourself that even without it you’re still stunning! Stop being your biggest critic!
Anyway, let’s not get too mushy around here. What else do I love this week? I said it last week, I’ll say it again this week, Experiment’s new Molecular Mesh is my bestest friend lately. Did you order a tube? New York weather is being odd lately. We’re getting some beautiful Spring days some weeks and others it’s cold and rain. I heard snow this week. Nothing surprises me anymore when it comes to the weather. I do know it’s creating chaos on my face. Molecular Mesh definitely keeps my skin dewy, juicy, and well hydrated. I realized it’s promoted as Barrier Cream but it’s just become my daily moisturizer (and sometimes my nightly one too!). It’s super hydrating with a great texture that doesn’t leave me shiny or greasy looking!
Speaking of moisturizer, can we just get Marcus Chang to stop in for a second and spill his skincare techniques? I’m in my Marcus Chang era because of Lost Romance (Watch it, thank me later! The storyline is chef’s kiss!) and of course, the first thing I do when I’m fangirling out is wonder what everyone is using on their skin. He’s 41 and he looks 18. Like, dude, tell us your anti-aging tricks. Speaking of anti-aging, someone asked me today, “do you use retinol?” and the answer would be yes and no. I’m actually a really late bloomer when it comes to retinol. I absolutely use it but sometimes I’ll have a love affair with it where I’m using it daily and other times I’ll stop start favoring highly moisturizing products instead (especially in the Winter). Do you use it daily or are you in and on again off again relationship with it?
Share your love list with me! What are you loving on this month? Any new skincare? A TV show? Something else? I’d love to hear!
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