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So, I’ve entered this interesting time in my makeup life and I’m wondering would it be considered the wrong way to apply my makeup by doing what I am doing?
Here’s where I may or may not be makeuping up wrong.
I’m a lady of a particular age ahem…! And I do everything in my power to ensure I’m not looking terribly old when I wear makeup. Listen, makeup is fun, makeup gives us confidence, makeup can completely change what we look like, but also, makeup can also age the wearer terribly when it’s applied too heavily or incorrectly. The last few years I’ve noticed I’ve adjusted how I do my makeup because as I’ve gotten older. I’m realized that with age makeup application changes. What worked for you at twenty won’t work for you at thirty and what worked for you at forty won’t work for you at sixty. I actually hate change. I’m a creature of habit and I tend to not like anything changing but change is unavoidable in life and we have to adjust and sometimes even teach ourselves something new so we can evolve. Makeup and even skincare is one of those things that won’t remain consistent in your life.
One thing I’ve noticed as I’ve gotten older is I don’t like applying eyeshadow or even heavy liner on my lower lash line. I tend to apply it all over my lid but when I’m using lighter, more neutral shades I tend to avoid applying it on the lower lash line. Hell, if I’m being honest, even if I’m doing a more colorful look I tend to avoid applying it here. I’m prone to more puffier eyes and sometimes when I apply shadow or liner in that particular area it ends up making my eyes look older. I will say a little bit of shimmery shadow can work but if I’m doing some sort of bold olive green eye look I may just avoid applying makeup in that area. Am I doing it wrong? Yes, I guess, most would agree this isn’t proper eyeshadow application. But hey, it works for me and that’s what matters right?
What do you think? Do you avoid applying eyeshadow on your lower lash line? Do you think it’s wrong to not apply it in that area?